Monday, July 21, 2014

what's the big deal about plan b?
by Katherine Burke, Writing Intern, Human Life Alliance

By 2013 5.8 million women had used the emergency conception pill Plan B , commonly referred to as the “morning-after pill.”  But are these women aware of the health risks this pill poses to them or what it does to the new life inside of them?

The website “Plan B Side Effects ” lists the most common side effects:
A change in your menstrual flow (either heavier or lighter)
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Tenderness in the breasts

While these may seem harmless, there are other less common but more serious side effects, such as: 
Late periods
Allergic reaction
Severe abdominal pain
Ectopic pregnancy (can be life threatening)

An infamous abortion advocate, Dr. David A. Grimes, who presented at the FDA advisory committee meeting on behalf of the manufacturers of Plan B said that the repeated use of emergency contraceptives such as Plan B “wreaks havoc on a woman’s cycle.”   This can make it very difficult for women to know if they are pregnant or if their period is just late.  As Dr. Lisa Perriera, who works at UH Case Medical Center in obstetrics and gynecology, said: “Menstrual changes is a big one, because (emergency contraception) can really throw off the woman’s cycle. Women could come to really rely on this quite regularly, and then their period is going to be messed up for several weeks after doing this.  Ultimately they’re not going to know if they’re pregnant or not.”   

Although a supporter of ending unwanted pregnancies, Dr. Perriera has warned against the repeated use of emergency contraceptives.  Now sold over-the-counter without a prescription, the possibility of abuse of Plan B is much higher.  The side effects of repeated use of Plan B are even more worrisome than the previously listed side effects.  Dr. Landa lists significant weight gain, depression, ovarian cyst enlargement, gall bladder disease, high blood pressure, and increased risk of ectopic pregnancy as side effects of the abuse of Plan B.   Ovarian cysts can cause severe pain in the abdomen and back as well as bleeding and nausea.  In order to remove them, a doctor may have to perform one of two surgeries: either laparoscopy or laparotomy.  Another side effect, certain types of gall bladder disease, if left untreated, can lead to gastritis, ulcers, and possibly stomach cancer.   Infertility is yet another long-term side effect of emergency contraceptives.  Clearly, the side effects of Plan B are far worse than those commonly known and can lead to life threatening situations.

Most advocates of Plan B can be heard saying that Plan B is not an abortifacient, that it does not destroy a human life.  However, the science disagrees.  If the egg has not been fertilized, Plan B and other emergency contraceptives will only prevent fertilization.  In the occasion that the egg has already been fertilized, which can happen as early as 15 minutes after intercourse, the chemicals in Plan B will cause an abortion.  The hormones in Plan B will prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterine wall .  When this happens, it is an abortion since the egg has already been fertilized and now contains all 46 chromosomes, which would dictate eye color, hair color, sex, skin tone, and height of the baby.  Now that unique and precious human life has been destroyed.  

Inform your friends and family about the true dangers of Plan B and help spread the word! 

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