Thursday, December 3, 2015

Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Shooting

Human Life Alliance condemns violence of any kind.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the families and friends of the victims of the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting. We will continue to pray for the safety of all lives, born and preborn. 

March for Life Theme 2016

One common misconception about pro-lifers, is that they only care about the preborn child. The national March for Life 2016 theme is Pro-Life Pro- Woman Go Hand-In-Hand. This theme encapsulates what being pro-life is really about. 

"The truth is that life is the empowering choice for women. It's best for women and families facing unplanned pregnancies, and it's best for developing female babies in the womb. Abortion harms women, and affects our society as a whole, in so many ways." 

You can learn more about the March for Life 2016 here

Free resources for College Pro-Life Groups

Do you know a college student that could use free resources for their pro-life group? HLA's latest campus publication UNFAIR! has been successful this fall. 

Through personal stories, accurate facts, and shocking statistics UNFAIR!encourages young people to think about how abortion rhetoric is used in our culture. It is perfect for tabling, handing out on campus, sliding under doors in college dorms, etc. 

A printed copy of HLA's campus publication is important for young people to read despite this digital age. Science tells us that reading on paper versus screens is critical for important information. Reading on paper can allow for more in-depth reading, sustained attention and processing information. 

Along with free publications, students can receive free stickers of our popular graphic above. Students can receive their materials by filling out the form here.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Update from HLA
Autumn's been a busy season here at Human Life Alliance.
Read these great stories in our Fall Newsletter:
  • UNFAIR! - HLA's new campus publication
  • Perspectives
  • Pro-Lifers in Action - Chris Slattery
  • The History of She's a Child, Not a "Choice" - Part III
  • From the Director
  • and more.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month


Fun facts about down syndrome: 
  • Life expectancy for people with down syndrome has increased dramatically in recent decades - from 25 in 1983 to 60 today.
  • People with down syndrome attend school, work, participate in decisions that affect them, and contribute to society in many wonderful ways.
  • There are more than 400,000 people living with down syndrome in the United States.
90% of pre-born children diagnosed with down syndrome are aborted. 

Help spread awareness that all life has value. 
  • Share this link with new and expectant mothers that have a child with down syndrome. 
  • Order HLA's comic, Carlos and Isabel Save Esperanza, to teach young children that all human beings deserve to be cherished and loved. Preview the comic here.  

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Committee Findings from hearing with Cecile Richards,
President of Planned Parenthood

  • Planned Parenthood is self-sustaining.
    • In their 2013-2014 annual report, a revenue of 1.3 billion dollars was reported.
    • They have an endowment of more than $100 million
  • Planned Parenthood spends money on frivolous things.
    • Tax returns show that Planned Parenthood books first class when traveling.
    • Tax returns show that they spent $622,706 on blowout parties in 2012 and 2013, that featured Hollywood celebrities and musicians.
  • Taxpayer dollars subsidize political affiliates.
    • Planned Parenthood has transferred millions of dollars to its lobbying arm, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, each year. 
    • Tax returns indicate that Planned Parenthood affiliates share employees, facilities, equipment, mailing lists and other assets with 501(c)(4) organizations.
  • Planned Parenthood's "Three Percent" claim in false.
    • According to Cecile Richards' testimony, Planned Parenthood serves 2.7 million individuals per year (which is not even 1% of the U.S. population). In 2014 their annual report states that they performed 327,653 abortions. This would be at least 12 percent of their services.
  • Planned Parenthood is not a primary provider of mammograms.
    • Committee staff found that 2 of the 667 health centers operated by Planned Parenthood were on FDA's list of certified mammography centers.
  • Numerous Alternatives to Planned Parenthood Exist
    • There are more than 13,000 publicly supported alternatives to health care in the U.S. which have served almost 22 million patients in 2013-over eight times the amount of Planned Parenthood.
  • A Kaiser survey found that only 5% of Medicaid-enrolled women aged 15-44 receiving gynecological exams chose to go to Planned Parenthood. 57% went to a private physician's office, 13% went to a community health center or public clinic and 5% went to a school-based, urgent care or walk-in facility. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Think Before You Pink
October is breast cancer awareness month and it is certain that retail outlets, grocery stores and coffee shops will be sporting the pink ribbons. Donations will be taken for breast cancer research.

Do you know where your donation is going?
Trusted research from the Coalition on Abortion Breast Cancer, has shown that abortion is linked to breast cancer. Cancer research organizations have been known to donate to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the U.S.

Think before you pink this October.
  • Research breast cancer organizations. Ensure that your donation will not feed organizations that keep the cycle of breast cancer going by supporting abortion.
  • Spread the word by educating others with our Abortion & Breast Cancer fact sheet.
  • Watch and share this video that explains the link between abortion and breast cancer

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Top 10 Planned Parenthood Deceptions

Planned Parenthood officials and supporters have tried to convince the public that they deserve $500 million in taxpayer funding they receive each year. Alliance Defending Freedom put together the following list of deceptions:

Planned Parenthood officials and supporters have tried to convince the public that they deserve $500 million in taxpayer funding they receive each year. Alliance Defending Freedom put together the following list of deceptions:

1. Planned Parenthood provides essential care women can't get anywhere else.
2. If Planned Parenthood loses funding, other clinics will be overwhelmed with new patients.
3. Defunding Planned Parenthood would actually increase abortion.
4. Planned Parenthood wants to reduce abortion.
5. Planned Parenthood cares for poor women in rural and under served areas.
6. Only 3% of Planned Parenthood's services are abortion.
7. Planned Parenthood is a good-hearted "non-profit."
8. Planned Parenthood is "relentless" about screening for breast cancer.
9. Planned Parenthood is needed to reduce sexual transmitted infections.
10. Redirecting funds from Planned Parenthood to trustworthy care  providers would create a women's health apocalypse.

These simply are not true.
There is a series of short videos explaining each of these misconceptions that can be viewed here. Share these videos with your family and friends and encourage them to spread the truth about Planned Parenthood. It's time to set the record straight.
Help us distribute The Truth Behind Planned Parenthood . Your donations will help spread the truth.

Friday, September 11, 2015

New Campus Addition Available

UNFAIR! is HLA's latest 12-page campus publication. It challenges students, faculty and staff to ask a difficult question, "Is abortion more unfair to the mother or her child in the womb?" Through personal stories, accurate facts, and shocking statistics UNFAIR! encourages young people to think about how abortion rhetoric is used in our culture. Last year's edition, How to keep your mushrooms happy!! is still available in both printed and DVD video formats.

Our new campus piece is ready for you to use! Click here to view the entire publication. 

If you would like to request copies of UNFAIR! visit our resource center here.