Thursday, December 3, 2015

Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Shooting

Human Life Alliance condemns violence of any kind.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the families and friends of the victims of the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting. We will continue to pray for the safety of all lives, born and preborn. 

March for Life Theme 2016

One common misconception about pro-lifers, is that they only care about the preborn child. The national March for Life 2016 theme is Pro-Life Pro- Woman Go Hand-In-Hand. This theme encapsulates what being pro-life is really about. 

"The truth is that life is the empowering choice for women. It's best for women and families facing unplanned pregnancies, and it's best for developing female babies in the womb. Abortion harms women, and affects our society as a whole, in so many ways." 

You can learn more about the March for Life 2016 here

Free resources for College Pro-Life Groups

Do you know a college student that could use free resources for their pro-life group? HLA's latest campus publication UNFAIR! has been successful this fall. 

Through personal stories, accurate facts, and shocking statistics UNFAIR!encourages young people to think about how abortion rhetoric is used in our culture. It is perfect for tabling, handing out on campus, sliding under doors in college dorms, etc. 

A printed copy of HLA's campus publication is important for young people to read despite this digital age. Science tells us that reading on paper versus screens is critical for important information. Reading on paper can allow for more in-depth reading, sustained attention and processing information. 

Along with free publications, students can receive free stickers of our popular graphic above. Students can receive their materials by filling out the form here.